April 28, 2020

Covid-19 my opinion: yeah. It's not warm & fuzzy, just honest.

For me, as soon as I had done all I could to understand the situation, I felt calm, which is why I'm sharing my thoughts. The choice to read, or not, is yours.
I did some research on legit sites like CDC, WHO, etc. Read test limitations on CDC site & now believe test is mostly inconclusive as there are too many ways for it to be wrong...false positive, false negative, human error, not enough sample, etc. I'm very disappointed in my government's response to this pandemic. I'm a patriotic veteran who served in the Army National Guard and the U.S. Air Force. I'm also interested in history. Our country has made many grave errors in the past, often in the financial interests of a few already well-funded businessmen. I had hoped this generation of politicians would be morally superior; I believe I was wrong. Having served in the military, I know there are contingency plans in place for this type of situation and I couldn't understand why it seemed they weren't being used.
Family told us they had been exposed to a local waitress who had tested positive at KRMC, the sample was sent to a University of Washington lab for confirmation of the positive results, that result came back inconclusive and stated a 3rd test would be done at either the CDC or a public state lab. The patient and our family was told to go home, self-quarantine, and not talk about it on social media. My husband, brother, and father are all high risk; so I had concerns. On 3/20, I emailed District 1 Supervisor and Governor Ducey to ask when the 3rd test results would be available to the community and to tell them it seemed disingenuous to be claiming 0 confirmed positive cases in Mohave County. The Supervisor called my house and told me only one test had been done and couldn't cite any sources for what he was saying, other than to tell me to read The Miner. I don't subscribe to The Miner and didn't have my resources up (but they weren't questioned) because I wasn't expecting the phone call. I believe he did have the District 3 Supervisor on the line although he didn't tell me that and didn't introduce her but she did ask me a question. I received an immediate reply from Governor Ducey indicating my email had been received and a response would be sent in a few days, that was more than a month ago and I haven't received anything else. I replied to an email I received from the Director of the Mohave County Department of Public Health asking when the third test results would be available on 3/20 and posed the same question on the public website; neither were answered. The third test came back from a WA public state lab and was also inconclusive which is considered a negative. I'm very happy for that patient and thank her for posting the result as it eased my mind. Afterward, I received an email response from the Arizona Department of Health Services COVID-19 Response Team indicating the Arizona public state lab turnaround time is 1 day. In the meantime, I did a lot of research, and this post is the end result.  
I think we'll all be exposed to covid-19, some will get sick, and around 3% of those who get sick will die.
I think President Trump is the leader of America and the pandemic response is his responsibility. The President should have been informing the American public rather than allowing the press to spread fear. I think as soon as the first covid-19 patient reached American soil and it was known how many days it would take to shut down the virus; the president should have ordered everyone home for 21 days.
I'm certain God is good and His plan is still unfolding until the day of Christ's return. I'm praying for my country, which I was blessed to be born in.
America, now is the time to humble yourself. Return to God.
"Therefore, repent of this wickedness of yours, and pray to the Lord that the intent of your heart may be forgiven you." Acts 8:22
"You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
John 8:32
"For the love of money is the root of all evil..." 1 Timothy 6:10

I posted this a month ago on 3/28/2020 at 10:26 am almost word for word. It is slightly updated due to the passage of time. I'm only posting it here for the purpose of retaining it for historical purposes. This posting is under a pseudonym as has been previously stated.

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