February 26, 2019

Referrals Clerk Incompetent

Over the last year, my husband and I have needed a lot of referrals.  I now have major frustrations over the process.  Every time I call the doctor’s office, they tell me it’s “in process” or they’re waiting on the insurance company.  Most recently, the insurance company told me the doctor’s office simply needs to fax the referral to the clinic they’re referring to as the insurance company only needs to pre-approve procedures.  The specialists consistently tell me they didn’t receive the referral so they can’t make an appointment. 

My husband has had multiple ER trips since March 2018 for kidney infections and he’s been on antibiotics numerous times.  It took months before our “doctor” put in a referral to a urologist even though my husband has a rebuilt bladder and was complaining about feeling like he had an infection.  The local hospital urology clinic had two providers, both claim his case is too complex for them.  My husband got a referral to a doctor in the next town who said he could handle my husband’s case then won’t because he doesn’t take his new insurance. I called the doctor’s office and advised we would prefer a urologist in the next state over as it is less than 2 hours away from our home and a straight, easy drive.  The doctor’s office sent his referral to a doctor who is 3 hours away from our home and in the mountains where it’s snowing. 

Early January my husband was having another bout with a bladder infection.  He was miserable: puking, clammy, unable to eat or drink or keep his pain medications down.  He was in tears.  I was enraged.  I called his doctor’s office and explained he needs a referral to a urologist, podiatrist, and some kind of referral for the pain in his shoulder and back.  I explained to the person who answered the phone that this is becoming a mental health crisis because Miss Melissa is not doing her job correctly and my husband is not receiving the care he needs.  I explained he DOES NOT need a referral for pain management as he’s already being seen by a doctor for that.  (Twice I’ve explained he needs a referral for diagnostics for the new pain in his shoulders and back.  I explained the metal rods in his back have shifted.  I explained if he’s referred to another pain management doctor he can be fired-TWICE they ignored me and sent pain management referrals.)

Miss Melissa hadn’t returned my calls but when I called and she was there, the receptionist patched me through.  Miss Melissa told me she was confused and had left a message-true.  She also claimed to have left a message advising a referral had been processed and my husband just needed to call to schedule an appointment.  That was a lie. 

Miss Melissa argued with me about what the insurance company said and told me the referral has to be approved by the insurer.  I asked her why they would lie to me.  She finally agreed to fax the referrals to the specialists the same day, then she didn’t do it. 

I called and left a message for Miss Melissa’s boss advising she either needs to be fired or retrained (I’ve never done this before in my life).  I’ve also left 3 messages for her boss asking for a call back and not once has she called back. 

My husband has an appointment with a podiatrist coming up but he went through his pain management doctor to get x-rays ordered to diagnose what’s going on with his shoulder and back. 

After an ER visit, I called my doctor’s office and requested a referral to a urologist and a gastroenterologist.  The referral for the urologist was sent to a clinic 3 hours away.  Apparently Miss Melissa thinks my husband and I have interchangeable health needs.  I’m still trying to make contact with the gastroenterologist as they didn’t have my referral from my doctor’s office the first time I called. 

Yesterday, my husband received a letter from the “referral clerk” at the offices of our primary care physician reporting that his referral for Neurosurgery had been sent.  My husband has not been advised by any doctor that he needs a referral for Neurosurgery, so this letter is unexpected.  I have been seeing a neurologist since November of last year, so more than 3 months.  It would seem Miss Melissa has erred again and I needed the referral more than 3 months ago. 

We’re considering switching doctors but what we’re hearing again and again is it’s like this in most doctor’s offices in this community. 

Shame on you for treating people as if you don’t care if they suffer or survive!

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