February 27, 2019

School is in Session

Here are some of the memories my nephews and I are making while they attend an  online charter school with me acting as their learning coach.


School is in session for 8 hours Tuesday through Friday with a one hour lunch break which means they’re here for 9 hours.  The boys are 7 and 10 years of age.  It’s unnatural to require children to sit still for 4 hour periods of time, so they get breaks.  The usually want to play WII on their breaks.  The 10 year old sits on the couch while playing.  The 7 year old stands and bounces throughout his break regardless of its length.  I’ve heard the 10 year old tell his little brother to just sit still for 10 seconds! 

Yes, this child can bounce non-stop for 30 minutes straight while playing WII and talking.  I raised a hyperactive son and I’ve never seen this level of constant movement before. 


The 10 year old doesn’t move nearly as much as his brother; his thing is vocalizing.  He randomly sings snippets of songs he’s heard.  The other day I’m across the room assisting his little brother when I tune in to what the older brother is doing.  He’s singing nonsense words with clicks interspersed as if he’s been hanging out with African singers.  Random!


Some days I wonder if they have early onset dementia.  One day early in this adventure, the older nephew was sitting at a small computer desk which is situated next to the doggy door.  We have a little Jack Russell, she’s sweet and quirky and old.  It was winter and the door was creating a draft.  Our dog was off somewhere in town with my husband.  My nephew shut the doggy door.  At the end of the day, I’m having him tidy up (he’s a Pigpen-not in appearance but in the level of chaos he leaves behind him) when I notice the doggy door is closed.  I confirmed it was okay to close it if he was cold and she wasn’t home.  I explained he just needed to remember to open it again before he left for the day.  He stated he understood and continued tidying up as it was the end of the school day.  The next morning, my little doggy left him a stinking mess just inside the doggy door, which he had not reopened for her.  The first thing my nephew did when he arrived was clean it up.  


I left the boys at the table and went to the restroom.  Right after I flushed, I noticed something shining in the bottom of the toilet bowl.  A large paperclip.  I asked which nephew had deposited it in the toilet.  Both claimed to have no knowledge initially.  Eventually, the younger nephew told me he had.  I explained he would need to retrieve it after class was over for the day.  I gave him a glove and a towel and he retrieved it.  When I told my mom what had happened, she asked him if that’s what is wrong with one of her toilets too. 


The 7 year old moves constantly even when seated.  Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.  Lean forward, lean back, lean over for a hug.  Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.  He was sitting next to the wall and nearly pulled the WIFI modem off the wall while wiggling.  He has no idea he’s doing it and I’m not inclined to harangue him throughout the day by telling him to sit still repeatedly.  Again, I think it’s unnatural.  I prefer active to lazy.  I moved his older brother to the seat by the wall and explained he needed to exit the chair on the side away from the wall.  Physically, he’s much calmer than his younger brother; however, he’s managed to knock the power strip off the wall and reset the WIFI by bumping into them unintentionally. 

I hope there are many more memories to be made with these two. 

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